Wing Woman

Joy Bronsveld Academy



Hello there

Unfortunately this course is not yet open for enrollment. It is planned to launch the end of August 2024. 

Please send a message to:
if you want to receive the latest updates and info and be added to the waiting list (without any commitments) 


Thank you ever so kindly!


Welcome kindred spirits, to this online sanctuary for dreamers, artists and storytellers.
As you step through the digital threshold of the Academy, you’ll discover a refuge where artists and storytellers gather to share their dreams and craft their masterpieces. 

Within the Visionary worlds of the Academy we gather to overcome our creative blocks and unlock the creative magic that is our true calling.
Join me in the artist’s secret garden. In between the hidden garden walls, we discover our lake of inspiration, the cottage where we work on our skills and the maze where we face our challenges to find the hidden wishing well.

Simply click on the mystical symbols below to begin your adventure, and let the magic of learning unfold before you… 



I. Basics: Daily Creative Flow


II. Creative Exercises

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III. Tools & Mastery


1. Masterclass Thriving with Perfectionism

Joy Bronsveld

2. Masterclass Letting go of Imposter Syndrom


3. Masterclass Overcoming Fear of failure


About Joy

I am so glad to welcome you here in my online creative academy.
My name is Joy, and I am an artist and creative coach from the Netherlands.
In my courses I like to create bridges between the visual arts, theatre and nature.

In my 6 years of working as a theatre director and qualified arts educator I have developed numerous workshops covering puppetry, shadow theatre, collage-art, miniature building, photography & storytelling.

Creative Blocks

Throughout my education at the University of the Arts Utrecht, and later working in the creative sector, I’ve witnessed many artists (my students, colleagues and also myself) continually struggle with creative blocks like perfectionism, imposter syndrom and limited beliefs.

In my personal ongoing process of overcoming these hurdles, I’ve discovered valuable tools that have inspired me to create empowering courses and masterclasses for fellow creatives and highly sensitive individuals.
I love helping other artists share their stories and art with the world. Art and storytelling is what lights me up, and I love to see others thrive in their own artistic journeys. 

In 2023 I’ve created 3 online courses in both english and dutch about overcoming creative blocks and thriving in your authentic creativity. And wow, I absolutely fell in love with teaching art classes that are both fun and creative, but also create deep personal growth. 

Creating art can feel extremely vulnerable and challenging. I myself have struggled with perfectionism and imposter syndrome for a very long time. Constantly comparing your work to others, or to this perfect idea in your mind. Especially for highly sensitive people it can be very challenging to turn dreams into reality. I want to encourage you to tell the stories that stir within your soul. I empower artists, creatives and highly sensitive people to share their stories and art with the world.

Remember, your creative magic, your unique voice and vision is so needed in the world right now. 

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