The Artist's Way

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The Artist's Way

The Worldwide Bestseller about rediscovering your creative source

Become your most creative Nurtured self

Do you recognize this?

  • You are extremely creative. You have a lot of ideas, fantastic dreams, but you are unable to realize them.


  • Creating art has become a struggle. Inspiration feels elusive and frustrating. It’s like waiting for lightning to strike.
    How do you get past the fear of the blank page?
    How do you escape the abuse of your inner critic?


  • Everyone always tells you you’re so creative! 
    You are always helping by reading your friends’ new poems. In design emergencies you unleash your graphic talents to save your sister’s flyers. Is the photographer unable to work for the event? You grab your camera!
    It frustrates you that you are constantly running for the creative whims of those around you, but you have no time for your own. The artist within you longs for your own art to be brought to life!


  • As an artist, you work on dream projects with a lot of love and passion. But you notice that you lose yourself in your work. You’re always busy.
    Busy preparing, planning, executing, testing.
    You notice that you can no longer rest properly. That you no longer have any distance from your work. Even your friends are worried because you are always working very hard.
    You feel: this is not sustainable.
    You long for more rest and reflection.

“Unleashing our creative potential is the key to a more meaningful life”

– Psychologies Magazine about The Artist’s Way

But what if it could be done differently?


You start your morning with a short writing session.
These Morning Pages are going to inaugurate your creative recovery. Writing clears your mind.
Something inexplicable happens while writing. You stretch your hand after longhand writing 3 full pages. You feel cheerful, more open. As if inspiration can flow more freely.

The rest of your day runs in a creative flow. It’s easier to focus where necessary and play when you can. You experience the peace of observing. You are amazed by what you see. It feels like you are collecting details and stories inside with which you nourish your rich inner world.

After work, you create time for your solo Artist Date. A special book keeps popping up in your head, so you follow your feet and after a little while you wander between bookcases. During this short walk, lucky coincidences start to occur. You see an accidental sale. You find a beautiful feather on your path. You have a heartwarming conversation with a stranger on the street. Synchronicity seems to weave itself through your life.

By nourishing your inner artist, you also learn how to take better care of yourself. You are in your power. You feel empowered to show your authentic self and bring your art into the world.

I would like to invite you to

The Artist's Way

My name is Joy and I have personally experienced the magic of working with The Artist’s Way.

The Artist’s Way has inspired millions of people worldwide to live their creative dreams. From dreaming to doing.

The course has a magical structure in which you introduce more inspiration, flow and playfulness into your life step by step in 12 weeks.

Many well-known artists have shared how Julia Cameron’s book of the same name has inspired and reinvigorated their work. Alicia Keys, Pete Townshend, Elizabeth Gilbert and many others all acknowledge the help The Artist’s Way has given them.

It was Julia Cameron’s vision that The Artist’s Way groups would emerge all over the world. I hope to bring many more creatives in touch with their power and creative flow through this magical course!

What you get with this creative cluster of
The Artist’s Way

In short

I will guide you digitally for 12 weeks in the recovery of your creative self. You become part of a warm, inspiring group of artists who all engage in this same process. In this creative community we encourage each other and share our processes and experiences.

You will spend a maximum of 7 hours per week on this course (± 1 hour per day). Thanks to my weekly inspiration email and read-aloud summaries, it has never been easier to put these tools into practice.

This is all part of the course

What does this mean in concrete terms?

With these connecting and time-saving tools you will fly through those 12 weeks in no time!

  • 12 Weekly Inspiration Emails containing highlights from the textbook. I summarize the core for you so that you save time but go into depth!
  • 6 Connecting Video Calls with the community to exchange experiences on Sunday afternoon (with replay).
  • Beautifully designed Worksheets and Templates to make the exercises even more fun and simple!
  • A Personal Buddy to connect and exchange experiences with if you wish!
When do we start?

We start the first week of the course on Sunday, October 15th.

You can register until midnight on Saturday the 21st of October. Sunday the 22nd of October will be the first video-call.

Early Bird price applies until midnight on Sunday, October 15th. 

In 12 weeks you'll learn:

  • Week 1. Restore a sense of security
    This week marks the beginning of your creative recovery. The reading material, assignments and exercises are aimed at helping you develop a sense of security, so that you can explore your creativity with less fear.
    Week 2. Restore a sense of identity
    This week focuses on self-definition as an important component of creative recovery.
    Week 3. Restore a sense of power
    You are increasingly coming into your own power. You will be asked to consciously experiment with spiritual open-mindedness.
    Week 4. Restore a sense of integrity
    The essays, assignments and exercises are intended to put you to work in one fell swoop with productive introspection and the integration of new self-awareness.
    Week 5. Restoring a sense of possibility
    This week you will explore how you limit your own potential by setting limits on the prosperity you can receive. You will investigate the price of settling for a good place instead of being authentic.
    Week 6. Restore a sense of abundance
    This week you’ll tackle one of the biggest creative blocks: money.
  • Week 7. Restore a sense of connection
    This week we’re going to focus on practicing the right mindset for creativity. The emphasis is on both your passive and active skills.
    Week 8. Restore a sense of strength
    This week we tackle another major creative blocker: time. You will explore the ways in which you have used your perception of time to preclude taking creative risks in advance.
    Week 9. Restore a sense of compassion
    This week we confront the inner blocks to our creativity. We will explore and acknowledge the emotional difficulties that have befallen us in the past when engaging in creative endeavors. We will learn tools that can dismantle emotional blockages and provide support for renewed risk.
    Week 10. Restore a sense of self-protection
    This week we’re going to explore the dangers that can lurk on our creative path. In the essays, assignments and exercises we will identify the toxic patterns that we cling to and that block our creative flow.
    Week 11. Restore a sense of autonomy
    This week we will focus on our artistic autonomy. We explore the ways in which we must continually nurture and accept ourselves as artists. We pay special attention to the ways in which we should approach success so that we do not sabotage our freedom.
    Week 12. Restoring a sense of faith
    In this final week we will focus on the fact that creativity requires receptivity and deep trust. We set our creative goals and pay special attention to last-minute sabotage. We renew the commitment we made to use the tools.

“A fascinating and fun twelve-week-long programme of exercises and explorations to help you loosen up your artistic self. Three times in the last decade I’ve committed to doing The Artist’s Way and each time I’ve learned something important and surprising about myself and my work… Without The Artist’s Way there would have been no Eat, Pray, Love.

– Elizabeth Gilbert


One-time Offer!


  • 12 Weekly inspiration emails getting in deeply with high quality essays, weekly assignments and lots of inspiration.
    (worth €111)
  • 6 video calls with room for 1-1 guidance
    (worth €299)
  • Worksheets and Templates
    (worth €89)
  • Creative Community
    (connection and feeling seen is hard to put in numbers 😉 )

I counted my hour-prices in the arts world in the calculations above. 
Which comes down to a:

Total value of €   499,-
Now for just:  €     36,-  (until Sunday the 15th of October at Midnight CET)

I am going to offer this 12-week course at a hugely discounted price as a one-off.

So, I offer you 12 weeks in this creative container for no less than:

EARLY BIRD:    €36     (or €3 per week)

REGULAR PRICE:    €72      (€6 per week)

To compare: You can take the course in Amsterdam for €495-€550

“Joy, why at this extremely low price?” my lovely friends have all asked me.
Well, that answer is twofold:

1) I have struggled so much with my own artistic processes that I wish everyone the transformation of this course. You can of course also buy the book yourself and do the exercises, which is absolutely fine if that works for you. I found that it is easy to give up without the accountability of a creative container. Plus I really missed the connection with like-minded people.
So that’s why I started this course! And I will also participate myself (as Julia Cameron also encourages in the book).

2) This is only my second time giving digital creative workshops. I graduated as a theater director and theater teacher from the art academy. Since then I have given many workshops (theatre, photography, writing) at schools, theater groups and art centers for over 6 years. But online entrepreneurship is still very new, and I allow myself to start quietly with a very nice, inspiring group! Because at the core: I just really want to have good fun this course. To enjoy it fully.

What others say about my online course Visionary:

Ariana @MistyIsleCottage

“I absolutely loved this course. It gently nudged me to dive deeper into areas of my life and work, my dreams and goals, and my self-limiting beliefs. I was surprised by some of the things that came up for me. It has given me a lot to think about and act on moving forward. I also found the storytelling aspect of the course incredibly captivating. I enjoyed the visual aspects of the course, the lighthouse and ocean metaphors, and the creative exercises, especially those that included drawing and sketching.”
“I would recommend this course to anyone who feels a bit stuck. Visionary is a great course for uncovering what it is you dream of and what is holding you back. In the end, you create your own visual map that serves as a reminder of your journey ahead and all you’ve learned throughout the course to help you get there.”


“The footage of the animation-videos in this course is beautiful. The metaphor of sea, ship and lighthouse is easy to follow and makes me curious about what can be found on my own horizon.”
I've always loved writing. The journaling exercises in Visionary help me to write down my thoughts and organize them. The writing prompts help writing come natureally and brought me many beautiful insights.

The Artist’s Way is simply encouraging her readers to be a bit more open, more patient, and kinder to themselves” 

– New Yorker

About me

My name is Joy

I am an artist, storyteller and course creator.  

Stories always know how to find me. Maybe they have an internal compass to navigate towards the curious and courageous. Those who dare to venture into worlds unknown and welcome transformational journeys. 

I graduated from the University of the Arts as a theatre director and have since loved expanding my creative practice with photography, film, animation, graphic design and writing.

I was honored to receive an award for my graduation thesis on political engagement within Figurentheater (puppetry & object theatre).

Curiosity and wonder are the main fuels of my creative life. They open my heart and mind for inspiration to come through and feel in awe of this world. I feel inspired by the many landscapes of nature and stories that radiate kindness and magic. 

Apart from creating art I love to design arts education for both children and adults. I believe art and expressing yourself creatively enriches your life profoundly.
In my courses I create bridges between the visual arts, storytelling and nature. 

It is my dream to help other creatives and sensitive souls to share their stories and art with the world. As an artist and highly sensitive person it took me many years to learn how to navigate my creative life and fuel my inner artist.

I see many creatives and sensitive souls struggling. Feeling overwhelmed and lost in the sea of endless stimuli, distraction, comparison and overwhelm. It is so easy to lose your focus, or doubt your work when you are constantly comparing yourself to others on Instagram.

The tools that I have learned in The Artist’s Way have taught me how to stay true to my authentic creative self in this fast-paced age. I use the Morning Pages on a daily basis and the Artist Date have brought so much adventure and Joy into my weeks. I love returning to the course material when I feel called to it because they are just so much fun!

Art, stories and connection are what makes my life beautiful and meaningful. I hope you will join The Artist’s Way and enrich your life with the magic of a creative life.  




“The course material was absolutely magical and such a pleasure to work through. Definitely the most creative and whimsical workbook I have done so far!”
“I think this course would be helpful to anyone who is feeling a little stuck in life or is at some sort of cross-road in life e.g. finishing school and starting to look for a job. I also think it is perfect for anyone who has been feeling a little (or a lot) uninspired by their day-to-day routine and would benefit from realignment to their values and hopes and dreams. I feel more inspired, hopeful for the future and happier with where I am right now.”

Mieke @the_story_of_imagination

"I love your vision of life and your process of creating. That made me curious and excited for this course!"
"My intention for this course is learning to find the light of the lighthouse whenever I feel lost and lose clarity."

“This book has been revolutionary in my creative life.

It’s a must-read for every artist.”

– Ito Aghayere

Do you recognize yourself in these Statements?

Than The Artists Way is perfect for you
  • You want to experience more self-awareness, confidence and creativity.
  • You crave more wonder and synchrony in your life.
  • You long for more playfulness and fun in your artistry.
  • You want to learn to take better care of yourself and your inner artist.
  • You sense that you want to learn to create art in a sustainable way from a place of rest and ease
  • You want to transform distraction and chaos into focus and clarity.
  • You long for community and kindred spirits on your creative path.
  • You long for the depth where transformation awaits you.
  • You are ready to live and create from a place of deep trust and abundance.
  • You are ready to make your dreams come true.

This course is NOT suitable for you if:

  • You prefer to consume rather than create yourself
  • You don’t like personal development
  • You don’t like connecting with others and showing up authentically and open.
  • You are currently in a very vulnerable (mental) position and need 1-1 therapy.

“This is a book that addresses a delicate and complex subject. For those who will use it, it is a valuable tool to get in touch with their own creativity.”

– Martin Scorsese

How can you join?

Step 1.

If you clicked on one of the buy buttons on this page, you will be redirected to a payment page.

Once you have paid, I will send you an email as soon as possible to welcome you to this creative cluster!

Step 2.

You will receive the first inspiration email with all the information and assignments about the first week. You can also get started right away with the Morning Pages and Artist Date.
If you interested in finding a creative buddy for this course, please let me know.

Step 3.

The first video call will be on Sunday, October 15. You will receive a link for this by email one day earlier. In this first session we kick off the 12 weeks together. If you can’t make it, you can watch the replay!

Frequently Asked Questions

Simply put, The Artist’s Way is for anyone who desires to live a more creative life through the creation of art. It is an invitation to connect more deeply with your own creativity.

It is an ideal method for creatives who get stuck in their creative process due to perfectionism, imposter syndrome, lack of inspiration, constant distraction or are on the edge of being overworked.

You can be just starting out as a creative person, but you can also be an old hand in the profession. Everyone gains depth and insights from it at his/her/their own level.

The Artist’s Way brings you back to your creative core and achieves creative recovery on many layers.

  • You become part of an online creative community.
  • You will receive weekly inspiration emails containing, among other things, all the assignments for this week and a brief but deep summary of the theory (huge time-saver!)
  • There are 6 live sessions in which we delve deeper, connect and exchange experiences.
  • You have the opportunity to get a creative buddy with whom you can spar
  • You will receive beautifully designed worksheets and templates every week so that the exercises become a lot of fun!

The course is completely digital and online, so you can take the course from the comfort of your own home.
But through the community and video calls we still experience connection and inspiration.

In addition, this course makes it very easy for you to follow the content and complete assignments. You can of course also buy the book and take the course on your own, but I know from my own experience that it requires a lot of discipline and time to maintain that.

In this course I make sure you get all the best course material in a clear and inspirational way, so you can get to work immediately (in stead of working through the many chapters and giving up halfway).

Of course, you are the one who decides how much time it should take. If you want to follow the book closely, the course will take approximately 7 hours per week, 1 hour per day. This includes the Morning Pages, Artist Date, weekly assignments and emails. The biweekly live sessions will last 60/90 minutes. There is also the option to watch it later.

Seven hours a week may seem like a lot, but just using the Morning Pages will save you a lot of time every day, because it is a powerful tool that immediately provides clarity and flow.

In addition, the assignments (just like the Artist Date) are extremely playful and enjoyable to do. So I see it more as a time investment in myself and my enjoyment of life.

The official start date is Sunday, October 15, 2023.
It is still possible to join in this first week, provided you catch up on the assignments the following week.

The course lasts a total of 12 weeks. You will receive an email every Sunday with the course material for that week.

Because the Christmas holidays fall during this period, we have a short break after December 17. We will resume the last 2 weeks of the course on January 7. The last live session is on January 14.

If you don’t like the course, you can let me know within 14 days and I will give you your money back.

Please feel free to email all your questions to me at

I will try to respond to your question as quickly as possible!

What others say about my courses


“The course material was absolutely magical and such a pleasure to work through. Definitely the most creative and whimsical workbook I have done so far!”
“I think this course would be helpful to anyone who is feeling a little stuck in life or is at some sort of cross-road in life e.g. finishing school and starting to look for a job. I also think it is perfect for anyone who has been feeling a little (or a lot) uninspired by their day-to-day routine and would benefit from realignment to their values and hopes and dreams. I feel more inspired, hopeful for the future and happier with where I am right now.”

Mieke @the_story_of_imagination

"I love your vision of life and your process of creating. That made me curious and excited for this course!"
"My intention for this course is learning to find the light of the lighthouse whenever I feel lost and lose clarity."

“I want to never stop opening up people’s lives.”

– Julia Cameron


If this turns out not to be the right fit for you

No problem! You have a 14-day warranty on your purchase.

Details about this course

Weekly mail & Prompts

Weekly mail

I will send you a weekly inspiration mail every Sunday with the highlights of this week's exercises.

Weekly Mail

I will send you a weekly inspiration mail every Sunday with the highlights of this week's exercises.

Bi-weekly Online Sharing Circles

Online Circle

Every two weeks I will host an online sharing circle for all of us to join and exchange our experiences. 1-2 hours on Sunday at 15:00 Amsterdam time.

Online Circle

Every two weeks I will host an online sharing circle for all of us to join and exchange our experiences. 1-2 hours on Sunday at 15:00 Amsterdam time.

Daily Morning Pages

Morning Pages

Start your day with writing 3 handwritten pages. Welcome to the morning pages. They will safe your artistic life.

Morning Pages

Start your day with writing 3 handwritten pages. Welcome to the morning pages. They will safe your artistic life.

Weekly Artist's Date

Artist's Date

Every week you will go on a solitary artist's date. See it as quality time with your inner artist. Go for a walk, visit a museum, buy arts and crafts and experiment, go to the cinema by yourself, take yourself out for dinner, explore an antique store, listen to music. Do what makes your heart (and inner artist) happy once a week.

Artist's Date

Every week you will go on a solitary artist's date. See it as quality time with your inner artist. Go for a walk, visit a museum, buy arts and crafts and experiment, go to the cinema by yourself, take yourself out for dinner, explore an antique store, listen to music. Do what makes your heart (and inner artist) happy once a week.

Whatsapp Community

Whatsapp Community

This journey is way more fun together. Through a whatsapp community platform I will share inspiration and we can exchange our experiences.

Whatsapp Community

This journey is way more fun together. Through a whatsapp community platform I will share inspiration and we can exchange our experiences.

The Artist's Way - Buddy


For those who long to walk this creative journey more connected, I can link you to a buddy with whom you can discuss all your experiences along the journey.


For those who long to walk this creative journey more connected, I can link you to a buddy with whom you can discuss all your experiences along the journey.

How the Artist's Way has changed my creative life

My Story

For a long time creativity and I had a very harmonious collaboration. She was always there to express my feelings, and I was always listening. I was surrounded by the structure of school, drama classes and Arts University and I excelled. Inspiration was everywhere and I was blessed with many fruitful collaborations. I even won a prize at University of the Arts Utrecht and graduated with honors and a bright future ahead of me. 

But then my dream came true. I was asked to write a picture book together with my partner (an illustrator). Somewhere in that writing process I lost all my confidence. A slumbering perfectionist awoke in me who I can best describe like the horendous Miss Trunchbull from Mathilda.

Imagine headmistress Trunchbull from Mathilda terrorizing my creativity from inside. She yelled at me that I was a failure and threw me into the chokey until I would quit.
If I reread my scenes, she picked me up at my pigtails and threw me over the fence until I didn’t dare to look at my own work anymore. 
And if I got a compliment from a friend or collegue, she’d punish me by demanding me to eat the largest chocolate cake until I felt sick and full of despair.

Ofcourse there was no real Trunchbull in my life. People were lovely actually. This Trunchbull voice was all me.
My own insecurity, my fear of failure, my constant comparison to better writers. It was all me who was ruining my own dream just because I was very very scared of succeeding. 

Then I found ‘The Artist’s Way’ and started reading into it. At first I was very sceptical. My inner critic was very suspicious of a lot of things at the time and absolutely didn’t believe that there was a cure for my suffering. Because that is what artists do, right? Suffering creates better art!

Spoiler alert: No it doesn’t. 

I was very desperate at this point and had just enough confidence to know that I was almost there. I just had to silence Miss Trunchbul inside my head to finish my book and write with love again.

So I started doing my morning pages. And I went out on Artist’s date. And I cheated a lot of days when I didn’t feel like recovering. 

But slow but steady, I really began to see change. I felt joyful writing again. And while writing my morning pages lots of great ideas and inspiration hit me.
All kind of ideas that had been boiling inside me, but that I had cruelly silenced.
The morning pages and nature walks created the space to listen to my intuition and inner artist again. And wow that was magical.

Nevertheless, it is always a work in progress. A journey.
But ‘The Artist’s Way’ taught me life lessons I will cherish forever.
I have (almost) finished writing my book. I began and finished lots of other creative adventures. But most of all: I passionately know that I just have to share this wisdom with lots of other (struggling) artists.

Creativity and living a creative life is a very sensitive and vulnerable pursuit. But it is also the most magical one of all.
The tools in The Artist’s Way helped me recover and more resilient. 
I am sure it will change your life too. 

I hope you grant yourself this safe, inspiring and encouraging container.

Ofcourse you can decide that this is better another time. Postpone, or think you can do it all yourself. But how are you going to guarantee change? 

For years I told myself ’this will come later’, but I kept struggling with myself. I can guarantee you, if I could travel back in time, I would have started this course years earlier in a group of like-minded people. It deepens the process, ensures accountability and, above all, a lot of recognition and joy in sharing.

I really hope I may welcome you to this course!